Institute for Learning in Retirement - East
BW ILR East in Orange Village, Ohio
ILR East serves Cleveland's east side by offering lifelong learning opportunities to adults of all ages.
The Institute for Learning in Retirement - East at Baldwin Wallace University offers senior adults the opportunity to continue learning in an informal, flexible and non-competitive college environment. Offering a series of non-credit, college-level courses on a variety of topics, ILR East is committed to providing an educational and social experience that is highly accessible and inexpensive. BW ILR is one of many ILRs associated with colleges and universities across the country.
Unless otherwise indicated, ILR East presents its program of courses at Temple Emanu El, located at the intersection of Brainard and Emery roads in Orange Village. The ILR East offers classes in the fall, winter, and spring on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
We are an all-volunteer endeavor. Officers, committee members, and presenters all volunteer their personal time to make the program enjoyable and successful.
ILR East Membership
The cost of membership in ILR East is currently $30 for each academic year and entitles members to a low fee of $35 per course, all volunteer opportunities within the organization, voting privileges, and attendance at our annual meeting every spring. The money raised through our membership and class fees not only covers our rent and other expenses, but also helps to provide scholarships for adult, non-traditional Baldwin Wallace University students each year, when possible.
One must enroll to become a member in order to attend classes through ILR East. A membership enrollment form will be included with each term’s course flyer and registration form for anyone who would like to take classes but has not yet enrolled.
Current Term
The ILR East winter term begins on Tuesday, April 8, and runs for six weeks, ending on Thursday, May 15, 2025. There will also be single-session talks offered during this period. Request your registration materials using the form below.
There is always a wide range of topics to choose from. Past course topics have included:
- Art in Focus – A Different Approach to Art
- British Romantic Poets: Nature and More
- Bag Man: The Life and Times of Spiro Agnew
- The History of Cleveland Sports – Part II
- His Majesty King Charles
- Israel and Her Wars
- Tea Traditions Around the World – Part 1
Course Registration
Registration is by postal mail only and is due in our office by April 3. To register, use the registration form you received in the mail. If you are not currently on our mailing list, you may request a registration form by completing the request information form below or call us at (440) 826-2400. Be sure to leave a message with your name and phone number.
ILR East Steering Committee
- President – Elayne Lackritz
- Secretary – Patricia Singer
- Treasurer – Andrew Press
- Registrar/Membership – Beverly Siegel
- Curriculum Manager – Carl Sieke
- Site Manager – Janice Campana
- Hospitality – Elayne Lackritz
- Scholarships – William Rafalski
- Historian – Teresa Marano
- Name Tags – Joanne Billiar
- Sunshine – Patt Gronick
- Past President – Dolores Christie
Contact ILR East
For more information about ILR East, call (440) 826-2400 or email